Save A Kitty, Inc., is a 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to relieving the suffering of homeless, abandoned and feral cats and kittens living on the streets of Los Angeles. Please help us continue our work by making a tax deductible donation via our Paypal account.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” --Gandhi


Hey it's me...Lionheart!... figured you may wanna hear how I'm doing. Well it's been a while since I was captured and encaserated, a lot has happened!. The crazy couple Alice and the Mad Hatter kept me in my 2-story cell for a while, I figured they weren't gonna hurt me cause they would always talk to me in a namby pamby way!..but I didn't fall for that crap I just kept hissing back at them with all my might! day I figured I might as well not waste my breath seeing as it didn't do any good!..they just kept sticking their faces up to mine doing what humans call smiling!...its kinda stupid smiling at a cat and showing your teeth cause we think your growling at us! I used to growl back in the beginning...but humans!..go figure.
I was taking it easy, the food was good, my bed was clean and soft, and I had somewhat of a view.... I didn't know where the hell I was, but hey the 2 stooges seemed to like me even though I was being a jerk! Mostly I was ok but the call of the wild lingered in my soul and I yearned to be free!!!! to mosey around the ally and scrounge around for food, the dude who arranged my capture used to call me "Scroungie".. I found myself wondering what was better, being dirty and sick in an ally, getting into fights, always hungry and struggling to get a bite to eat!... but free!..or being a well-fed prisoner in a cell!.. a cell with a view of not much! sand..sand and more sand!... and two hoomans who seemed not quite right in the head!!!.
I was taking it easy, the food was good, my bed was clean and soft, and I had somewhat of a view.... I didn't know where the hell I was, but hey the 2 stooges seemed to like me even though I was being a jerk! Mostly I was ok but the call of the wild lingered in my soul and I yearned to be free!!!! to mosey around the ally and scrounge around for food, the dude who arranged my capture used to call me "Scroungie".. I found myself wondering what was better, being dirty and sick in an ally, getting into fights, always hungry and struggling to get a bite to eat!... but free!..or being a well-fed prisoner in a cell!.. a cell with a view of not much! sand..sand and more sand!... and two hoomans who seemed not quite right in the head!!!.
Here's a video of Me being a jerk to Alice (AKA Debbie)!
One day I overheard the nut jobs discussing my release!! I was to be set free, finally! I was excited but at the same time, I surprised myself by being scared!!!!!!scared! way!!! bring it on, lets go...but I didn't really want to go! I realized that after a life of hardship I was now safe, my life on the street sucked, I had never really even slept properly..street cats have to be ready to face danger ..we never really rest!..I didn't want to be hungry again and either too hot or too cold!...I didn't want to sleep on the ground! I didn't want to be dirty and matted and have sore skin. How could I tell them that I didn't want to go back!..but it was over! I was being tossed out like the garbage!. I was pretty pissed actually!!..who does that? gets you all fixed up and comfy and then just throws you back out! But who was I to think that it could be forever!..I was just a beat up old guy who hissed a lot with a sucky virus! Who was I to think that this new life could be mine..why that was just pie in the sky. So life in lala land was coming to an end. No one else to blame except myself!.. I kept hissing at them!.. oh heck why did I keep doing that!!!...although I hadn't done it in a while!.. I wondered what I had done recently that was so bad that warranted them booting me out. The morning of my release came and I was dreading it....I hissed and swatted a lot, good behavior wasn't going to help me now. .They came to open my cell but I didn't see the plastic box they call a carrier, all I saw was big dudes hands wearing a pair of heavy duty gloves! coming in to get me!..what the heck is this I thought..are they just gonna dump me outside to fend for myself in this god forsaken place!.. gonna be released in the desert!...Oh hell no!...I resisted, I hissed big time but the mad hatter is strong and he got me!...he got me good! I was a goner! I closed my eyes fearing the worst and expecting to feel the scorched sand under my feet!..yeah yeah!. I know I can be dramatic at times! an instant I was down! eyes sealed shut, I was afraid to open them, but I did, he had set me free! not free in the wilderness but free in a large area with strange objects called "cat trees"...and big windows " see I do know what I'm talking about...curiouser and curiouser!..what is this I says to myself as the big dude (aka Mad Hatter) set me down, I was still hissing and probably scared some of the other inmates..nevertheless one came over to check me out!..but never fear Lionheart the brave was ready I hadn't forgotten my old skills ..I know how to defend myself I braced myself ready for a fight to the death!...well dawg gone it...that dude gave me a quick sniff and walked off! So my life took another turn and I have to admit I felt truly happy. I was now what they call.."A special needs cat"...yup I even got to own a title!!..Lionheart the Special Needs cat!...Occasionally the dude and his wife take me for a ride in their car to the vet...this damn virus thing FIV makes me cough sometimes and I need medicine. Plus I have been having some issues with my eyesight...they tell me it's glaucoma and I have to have drops in my eyes. But all in all life is good and I have made friends!.. I never had friends on the streets it's tough to survive out there you gotta show the others they can't mess with you!...but it's different here no one's gotta fight over food or a place to sleep, I found myself wanting to say thank you to Alice and the Hatter...Debbie and Randy are their names!.
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![]() Lionheart...Sharing is caring and not so bad because there's always more food where that came from.
So one day I walked up to Randy and rubbed up against his legs...boy he was so happy! I allow myself to be pet these days and you know what!!...I like it. I couldn't believe my luck!..why me I said to myself!. I thought about the guy who used to feed me in the ally, his name is Ross. and he has come to visit me a couple of times. Boy was it my lucky day when he decided to get me some help. So that's about it folks!. Stay tuned cause you never know when I might write again about life on the farm!.
Yours meooowly
Sir Lionheart the sanctuary cat!
Yours meooowly
Sir Lionheart the sanctuary cat!

My name is LionHeart. A week ago, I had no name. Boy, a lot happens in a week! I really can't remember much about my past. What I do know is that I ended up hanging around a bunch of homeless cats in an alley (talk about the stereotypical 'alley cat'). The life of an alley cat is hard, always fighting over food and women, and that's how I ended up with a virus. I didn't know it was a virus but I began to feel really bad: my mouth hurt a lot and then my darn teeth began to fell out. Well, bad enough I'm feeling weak and tired, now I'm having trouble eating. I guess I began to look like crap as the guy who had been feeding us decided that I needed help.
Well, the night the trap clanged shut and I was trapped, I thought I was a goner. That was only just over a week ago and it seems like it was eons ago. So the "hoomans" have me now. I ended up in a small prison cell to begin with, but now they have given me better accommodations and I have a 2-story cell/condo with a view of absolutely nothing...sand, sand, and more sand. A crazy couple seem to fuss over me a lot. I hiss at them periodically just to let them know who is boss. That's when they noticed I had no teeth...they made a point of discussing that. The food is pretty good in this fact, it's downright delicious, and plenty of it. They took me out a couple of times to see a person they called "The Vet". The first vet decided she couldn't handle me. Well, I was being kind of obnoxious, but I felt like crap and she was trying to poke and prod at me. So, FORGET THAT!!! They did, however, stick a needle in me and, guess what, that sucky virus that was making me feel so ill is called FIV. The crazy couple thought I might have that but they don't think it's going to be a big deal now that I am their captive. I also got another needle stuck in me...they said it was going to make me feel better, it's called an antibiotic. Whatever, I guess it works because I am feeling better.
All in all, it's been a very interesting week. I don't know where the hell I am. It's pretty quiet around here. A couple of dogs came into my cell block to visit me, but they don't bother me, they just come in and check me out. I overheard them saying "The crazy couple have saved another one".
Well now that I'm feeling better, I'll keep you updated on my crazy new life.
Just after finishing this blog, the 'crazy man' told me he was going to bathe me. I can't imagine what that is...I'll update later.
LATER...Good lord!!! You have no idea what just happened. They had the audacity to plunk me in a vat of warm soapy water (to tell you the truth, it felt pretty good). I tried to be good and not struggle for fear of drowning, but the 'crazy' dude had a pretty good grip on me. Oh well, this just keeps on getting curiouser and curiouser. I think from now on I'm going to call The Crazy Couple "The Mad Hatter and Alice". Stay tuned.
Yours truly,
My name is LionHeart. A week ago, I had no name. Boy, a lot happens in a week! I really can't remember much about my past. What I do know is that I ended up hanging around a bunch of homeless cats in an alley (talk about the stereotypical 'alley cat'). The life of an alley cat is hard, always fighting over food and women, and that's how I ended up with a virus. I didn't know it was a virus but I began to feel really bad: my mouth hurt a lot and then my darn teeth began to fell out. Well, bad enough I'm feeling weak and tired, now I'm having trouble eating. I guess I began to look like crap as the guy who had been feeding us decided that I needed help.
Well, the night the trap clanged shut and I was trapped, I thought I was a goner. That was only just over a week ago and it seems like it was eons ago. So the "hoomans" have me now. I ended up in a small prison cell to begin with, but now they have given me better accommodations and I have a 2-story cell/condo with a view of absolutely nothing...sand, sand, and more sand. A crazy couple seem to fuss over me a lot. I hiss at them periodically just to let them know who is boss. That's when they noticed I had no teeth...they made a point of discussing that. The food is pretty good in this fact, it's downright delicious, and plenty of it. They took me out a couple of times to see a person they called "The Vet". The first vet decided she couldn't handle me. Well, I was being kind of obnoxious, but I felt like crap and she was trying to poke and prod at me. So, FORGET THAT!!! They did, however, stick a needle in me and, guess what, that sucky virus that was making me feel so ill is called FIV. The crazy couple thought I might have that but they don't think it's going to be a big deal now that I am their captive. I also got another needle stuck in me...they said it was going to make me feel better, it's called an antibiotic. Whatever, I guess it works because I am feeling better.
All in all, it's been a very interesting week. I don't know where the hell I am. It's pretty quiet around here. A couple of dogs came into my cell block to visit me, but they don't bother me, they just come in and check me out. I overheard them saying "The crazy couple have saved another one".
Well now that I'm feeling better, I'll keep you updated on my crazy new life.
Just after finishing this blog, the 'crazy man' told me he was going to bathe me. I can't imagine what that is...I'll update later.
LATER...Good lord!!! You have no idea what just happened. They had the audacity to plunk me in a vat of warm soapy water (to tell you the truth, it felt pretty good). I tried to be good and not struggle for fear of drowning, but the 'crazy' dude had a pretty good grip on me. Oh well, this just keeps on getting curiouser and curiouser. I think from now on I'm going to call The Crazy Couple "The Mad Hatter and Alice". Stay tuned.
Yours truly,
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Save A Kitty, Inc.
16654 Soledad Cyn Rd #342
Canyon Country, CA 91387
Save A Kitty, Inc.
16654 Soledad Cyn Rd #342
Canyon Country, CA 91387
![]() Save A Kitty has been awarded a top rated non-profit by Great Nonprofits the fifth year in a row.
We made the 2016 top rated list again!...thanks to all the amazing reviews from people we helped with kitty situations and by people who had a fabulous experience adopting from us!. |
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